We are pleased to introduce ODS Maritime Academy Foundation (ODSMAF), as Marine Training Institute for seafarers, initially offering courses with motto to impart quality training and serve your esteemed organization and seafarers to get compliance with requirements of ISPS Code/ISM Code, SOLAS, MARPOL, Safety and security training.
We are a joint seafarer’s family of masters, senior DPOs with four decades of sailing experience on board various types of FG and OFFSHORE ships. Now we aim to devote our knowledge and experience in the service of seafarers and marine industry. We are sure that knowledge thirsty seafarers of today welcome the birth of ODSMAF. ODSMAF is all set for long and smooth sailing.
Campus is very conveniently located at CBD Belapur in Navi Mumbai. The centre aims at providing cost effective solution to the ever-increasing training requirement of Offshore and Marine Industry.
Training programs may be customized or scheduled to suit specific needs of companies or groups of students.